A new stewardship initiative, Generous Living, was born at the Carolina Conference in September 2012. The mission of Generous Living is to creatively and prayerfully explore new ideas to touch a responsive chord within God’s church family and assist them in fully embracing Christ and His end-time church. Generous Living has continually blessed and empowered all members of Carolina Conference.
Every Monday morning the Generous Living team members join together in corporate prayer for the members of our Conference and their dedication to living generously. We have also conducted several nine-week series of Financial Peace University at the Conference office and various churches. Other financial seminars and stewardship sermons based on biblical principles have been presented at many of our churches. Each quarter the Generous Living staff produces weekly Sabbath offering appeals to be used at all churches. Generous Living materials have been prepared in English, Spanish, French and Korean. “Jack Gives Back” stewardship materials were given to children ages 4-10 at Carolina Camp Meeting, Hispanic Camp Meeting and Welcome to the Family retreats. Retired Carolina Conference Communication Director Ron Quick maintains the website and Facebook pages for Generous Living. The monthly Stewpot publication, testimonials, member stories and other articles are distributed to many Carolina Conference members and friends by these social media platforms. We welcome your stories and articles to dgraham@carolinasda.org for consideration.
One thrilling reward we have witnessed is seeing God work through our members. Starting in 2012, tithes and offerings have increased each year. Many of our members have shared their personal experiences through their stories of faithfulness and blessings as they have financially and prayerfully responded. God promises that when we are faithful to return HIS tithe and our offerings, He will bless. IT IS ALL OF US IN RESPONSE TO ALL OF HIM!
It is the goal of the Carolina Conference Generous Living team to make available to every church member the tools they need to eliminate debt and stay “DEBT FREE” and become the faithful stewards that God has called us to be. Thank you for prayerfully partnering with us as a member of His Generous Living team.
Director (2022-)