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Rebecca Cain

Handing Out Heart Attacks?Random Acts of Kindness During the Pandemic

February 17, 2021, was “Random Acts of Kindness Day.” What does a random act of kindness look like during a pandemic? The students of Myrtle Beach SDA Christian School found a creative way to bring cheer to some of the older members of their church during a time of social distancing and masks. They purchased heart-shaped sticky notes, and wrote Bible verses and encouraging notes on them. They then went to the homes of three families who had been shut in since the Covid pandemic started in March 2020. The students put the sticky notes and a sign on the door that read, “You have just been given a heart attack. We just wanted to let you know you’ve been missed. We hope these hearts containing Bible verses and encouraging words brings you joy and happiness today and that you feel LOVED.”

Mrs. Malcolm, the first recipient of a random act of kindness, said, “This is the kind of heart attack that I want to have. It was so special to know that I am loved and not forgotten since I have been homebound since my stroke. I was so surprised and enjoyed seeing the students and Becky. Thank you for your love! It meant a lot to me.”

The second “heart attack” receipients were Mr. and Mrs. Burton. They sent the students a sweet thank you card letting them know how much they appreciated the notes.

At the final home the students observed Mrs. Fluker respond in total delight as she saw the beautiful faces of the students and read the encouraging notes on each heart.

I wish I could take credit for this amazing and thoughtful idea but I must admit, I borrowed it from my friend’s Facebook wall. She, too, had been given a “heart attack,” and her warm response and gratitude showed me that this simple act of kindness could go a long way.

Ephesians 4:32 reminds us, “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” How can you follow the principles set forth in this verse and the example given by these students in showing “acts of kindness” during a pandemic?

—Photos and story by Rebecca Cain, teaching principal at Myrtle Beach SDA Christian School

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