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  • Writer's pictureRebecca Carpenter

Rejoicing in The Harvest: A Recap of Eastern and Palmetto Harvest Impact Events

photo credit: Ross Knight

With a spirit of unity and celebration, members and pastors from across the Eastern Carolina Adventist Ministerial Association (AMA) recently gathered to rejoice in the Lord’s works during the Palmetto Harvest Impact in Summerville, S.C., and the Eastern Carolina Harvest Impact in Raleigh, N.C. The Palmetto Harvest Impact event took place on October 7 in Summerville, S.C., featuring guest speaker Richard Halversen, Sr. A week later, on October 14, the Eastern Carolina Harvest Impact unfolded in Raleigh, N.C., with guest speaker Denver Cavins. The primary purpose of these gatherings was to celebrate the success of evangelism throughout the past year in Carolina churches and to inspire and encourage others in their efforts to disciple others.

photo credit: Courtney Herod

Members and pastors came together to share stories of conversions and baptisms, welcoming new members into their congregations. The events provided a platform to exchange insights on Best Practices unfolding in each church. It was a time of communal joy, reflection, and inspiration, reinforcing the sense of unity among Carolina churches. Friday night and all day Sabbath were dedicated to the sharing of these uplifting stories. Attendees found encouragement in the tangible evidence of God’s transformative work in the lives of individuals within their communities. The gatherings were not merely opportunities to pat each other on the back but rather a collective commissioning to move forward as Christ’s troops into the harvest fields.

—Becky Carpenter

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