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Sarah Echemendia

Teen Leadership Program Training Young People to Disciple Others

Updated: Jun 24, 2021

“With such an army of workers as our youth, rightly trained, might furnish, how soon the message of a crucified, risen, and soon-coming Savior might be carried to the whole world!”

(Ellen G. White, Education 271)

Emory Kelley, a member of the Winston-Salem First Pathfinder Club, was young and passionate about the Pathfinder ministry. Much like Franklin Moses, who was instrumental in starting the Teen Leadership Training (TLT) program many years ago, Emory wanted to do more while in Pathfinders and see the Carolina Conference TLT program come to life. He wanted Pathfinders to have the opportunity to be a part of outreach projects and training as well as first aid and disaster response programs such as the FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) training provided by the 2Serve organization. 2Serve is a Seventh Day Adventist organization that provides disaster relief/basic first aid training for high school students.

A Pathfinder can become a TLT when he/she reaches the 9th grade. Then they take on

leadership responsibilities in the Pathfinder club, which helps them learn how to be effective

leaders in all aspects of life.

In the fall of 2018, Emory started sharing his ideas with Pathfinder leaders around the Carolina Conference. Tam Adams, a member of the Pathfinder Council, caught the vision and helped get Emory’s ideas presented to the Pathfinder Council. Then in January of 2020, the Carolina Conference Youth Director and the Pathfinder Council gave approval for the TLT Committee to be formed as a subcommittee of the Council.

By the next month, the TLT Committee was organized with 5 members from throughout

the Carolina Conference. Since then they have met virtually almost every Sunday, making plans, only to be put on hold due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The purpose of the TLT Committee is to train an army of youth to help take the Advent Message to all the world. Jesus is coming soon, and the young people need to know how to tell others. The TLT Committee seeks to train Pathfinders by giving them the opportunities to put their knowledge into practice by participating in programs like SALT (Soul Winning and Leadership Training).

The goal of the TLT Committee is to help start a working TLT program in any willing Pathfinder club that does not already have one, and to enroll 1,000 Pathfinders as TLTs in the Carolina Conference. The members seek to create opportunities for TLTs and older Pathfinders to draw closer to their Saviour by participating in outdoor activities, disaster relief, basic medical training, etc.

The TLT Committee is having monthly virtual TLT meetings for Pathfinders that are in the

Voyager class level and up. You don't have to be a TLT to participate! These meetings include a short worship, time for participants to share what they are doing in Pathfinders, and to play

some games together. The next one will be April 18. If you’d like to participate, make contact

using the email provided below.

A 2Serve CERT disaster relief/basic first aid training will be held July 14-18 at Tri-City Christian Academy in Highpoint, NC. This event is open to all Pathfinders that are in the Voyager class level and up. The TLT Committee is grateful to be able to meet in person once again! More information will be available on the Conference website and the TLT Committee’s Instagram page. Pathfinder directors will also be receiving an email with more details.

The TLT Committee is currently looking for a few more dedicated volunteers to assist in program development, especially with representatives from the coastal and mountain areas of North Carolina. There are also opportunities to be involved in your local Pathfinder and TLT ministry. If you are interested in any of these positions or know someone that is, please contact the TLT Committee or your area coordinator.

If you have any questions, comments, or would like more information feel free to email,

call, text, or DM the TLT Committee using the info provided below. They would love to hear from you! Also, be sure to follow them on Instagram for inspirational posts and updates on future activities.

Call/text: (704) 218-8287

Instagram: @carolinaTLTs

The TLT Committee is looking forward to, and excited to start implementing their plans.

Please join them in prayer as they seek to rightly train an army of workers, such as our youth.

— By Sara Echemendia

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