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Caleb Matias Ayala


King Uzziah had died and with him Israel’s hope. The nation was mourning as they were facing a new reality; a nation without king was an easy prey to enemies. In the midst of confusion, chaos, hopeless and uncertain future God called Isaiah for a special mission.

At first, Isaiah was afraid and felt incapable to accomplish it, but, after God’s touch of Grace he said “Here am I, send me.” (Isaiah 6:8).

In other words, he said, “I Will Go Lord”.

Today, we are living in difficult and rapidly changing times and God is asking the same question he asked thousands of years ago “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?”. And as Isaiah did, in the Carolina Conference Publishing department our response is “I WILL GO”.

We do believe that publishing ministry plays an important and foundational role in the spreading of three angels’ message across the Carolinas. Every year thousands of tracts, pamphlets and books circulate our territory.

Is for that reason, and by God’s grace, that Mt. Pisgah academy canvassing industry is reopening this spring. While studying, our students will have the opportunity to engage in mission work. By doing so, they will experience the joy and satisfaction of Lord’s work. Canvassing work is the very work God wants for Adventist educational institutions. We humbly ask our members for their generous prayers and support as we embrace this new challenge.

On the other hand, this coming summer, from May 23rd through August 18 we’ll be holding our summer magabook program “I WILL GO”. This year we will be impacting Raleigh/Durham and Charlotte territory for Jesus. Every year, local and international students come to our territory to spread the good news of Jesus Christ.

Jesus is coming soon, and he is looking for young men and women across the Carolinas to engage in his mission. There are still spaces available, don’t hesitate and call our department offices or go to

Also, we are making presence in social media. Like us in Facebook (Carolina Magabook) and follow us on Instagram (@carolina_magabook) for more program and activities information.

Furthermore, publishing ministry programs doesn’t stop there and just before the year ends, we’ll be having our winter canvassing program in the city of Charleston SC. From early December to midst January, we’ll be knocking doors.

In conclusion, I want to encourage every Carolina young men and women to be part of some of our programs. Time is short and your response to God could make a difference in someone’s eternal destiny.

May God put in our hearts Isaiah’s response: I WILL GO!

— Caleb Matias Ayala

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