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Writer's pictureGary Moyer

Medical/Dental RECRUITMENT

Enhancing the Gospel Work

Medical/dental recruitment continues to be an integral ministry of the Carolina Conference. Not only do the recruited professionals excel in their practices as models of Christian principles and standards in their community, they excel in their dedication to the Lord’s work, often serving as leaders in our churches. The medical work has always been a valuable and fundamental element for Embracing the Carolinas with the Compassionate Call of Christ.

We are privileged to work in conjunction with the Southern Union, the only union that continues to carry on this ministry, as we visit Loma Linda to connect with and recruit medical and dental students on track for graduation. During the past six years our work expanded to include the recruitment of pharmacists along with the long-standing focus on physicians and dentists. We make these professionals aware of opportunities available in our area and inform them of church-provided incentive programs. Whenever possible, we have also connected them with Dr. Jeff Viar, our conference medical recruiter, and Dr. Scott Thomas, our conference dental recruiter, who serve as liaisons for the students should they decide to move to our area.

Our consistent participation in this program over the past six years has resulted in the Carolina Conference becoming well-known among the students and staff at Loma Linda, and we have been blessed to have medical and dental professionals relocate to the Carolinas.

Emulating the Great Physician

Many of these professionals are interested in mission work and provide care and skills in regions where medical treatment is not available, or for cases in which patients have limited finances. Following in the footsteps of Jesus, these professionals not only minister to the physical needs of individuals but, in turn, minister to the heartfelt needs of their clients through their Christ-like example. What a blessing to have these professionals here in the Carolinas, aiding in the expansion of the kingdom of God.

“There are today thousands suffering from physical disease who, like the paralytic, are longing for themessage, ‘Thy sins are forgiven.’ ... They can find no relief until they come to the Healer of the soul” Ellen G. White, The Ministry of Healing, p.77.



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