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Writer's pictureTony LaPorte


As leaders in their homes, communities and churches, men are continuously wrestling with questions and challenges regarding their roles as husbands, fathers, and spiritual mentors. Many men struggle with questions such as: What is expected of me? Where do I fit in? How can I be a better provider for my family? Where do I go for counsel and help?

Real Challenges

Addictions such as pornography or substance abuse present great challenges. Some men suffer from emotional disturbances in their personal lives, and feel there is no way out. The giants these men face daily are real and emotionally exhausting, and many men question if there are answers to their problems and look for support within the church. The Carolina Conference Men’s Ministries Department continues to introduce initiatives to address these relevant issues and meet the needs of the men in our territory.


Our department provides successful programs and resources for the local church men’s ministries leaders. Manuals, DVD’s, and books are also made available. Regardless of challenges, we continue to move toward conducting Men’s Ministries Certifications.


Starting in 2019, our goal was to travel throughout Carolina and visit as many churches as possible, conducting seminars and sharing resources, as well as encouraging, instructing and counseling at the local level.

With travel and physical gatherings postponed by the pandemic in 2020 and 2021, our department initiated monthly zoom meetings in which we studied Every Man a Warrior, a curriculum designed to help men succeed in life.

Yearly Men’s Retreat

The yearly Men’s Retreat is a united event for both English-speaking and Spanish-speaking brethren held at Nosoca Pines Ranch. Speakers are invited to separately present to each language group, but all other events are conducted together. This idea has been very beneficial, both spiritually and in developing camaraderie between the brethren. The men are challenged, encouraged, and drawn to the Bible. With attendance growing each year, it was truly a blessing to recommence this retreat in the fall of 2021.


The objective of Men’s Ministries is to offer the brethren opportunities to grow in grace as men, fathers, husbands, brothers, and Christians. It is our goal to spiritually energize, equip and encourage them to truly become men of God.



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