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Writer's pictureLance Morrison


Literature Evangelists

For many years Publishing Ministries has been blessed to distribute thousands of books and tracts throughout North and South Carolina. Numerous baptisms have been the result of the Christ-centered contacts made through our 12 faithful literature evangelists. Carolina members hear of their stories throughout the year in the various Conference publications, and during Camp Meeting first-hand accounts.

Glow Tract Ministry

Our goal is to induce our church members in every possible way to reach the unsaved, and our GLOW tract ministry is doing exactly that. Many of our members are involved in the distribution of GLOW tracts on a daily and weekly basis. As one of the stated focus goals of our Conference, we have made major gains in GLOW tracts being used in our churches by hundreds of faithful members with a wide range of ages. Our records indicate that 40,000-50,000 GLOW tracts have been sown as seeds across this area of God’s vineyard. We continue to be blessed by making this outreach an integral part of our ministry.


The Student Magabook programs are going forward at amazing rates. Every summer we have 15-21 young Adventists out in the highways and byways distributing truth-filled literature. These students experience tremendous blessings and encounter divine appointments, all while earning funds to pay for their Adventist education.

During the past six-years, our literature ministry has generated at least 43 baptisms, 25,000-30,000 Bible studies, and over 4,000 pieces of free-literature-initiated face-to-face witness. Praise God for continuing to impress and lead our people to be involved in soul winning!



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